Monday, December 2, 2013

Another fun monday!

This is my last blog and I wanted to say that this semester has been the best experience. I have learned so much and I have enjoyed getting to know you and your child. I will never forget my student teaching here at the CDLL. Thanks for a great semester! :)

Today we had a fun little winter party in the pine room given by one of our students. The children loved pretending to go to a party. During out outside time that weather was so beautiful and both the children and the teaches were enjoying the sun light. In the after noon the graduate student came to make masks with the children. The mask making table was a hit! The children made lion masks. There was also some building going on outside this afternoon. The children enjoyed their time outside today!

Teaching Strategies: Physical 7 Fine motor
Mrs. Jones

1 comment:

  1. Mrs. Jones!!!! It was such a pleasure having you as a teacher! I cannot believe its almost over!
