Wednesday, October 15, 2014

It's Wednesday!

Hi Families,

Serenity and Ellianna playing on the stackable blocks

Today the children were finally able to go outside since the rain held off in both the morning and the afternoon. The kids enjoyed getting some extra time outside in the afternoon during center time after being inside both Monday and Tuesday. The kids were also engaging in a lot of pretend play with larger groups outside. Gigi, Katherine, Elizabeth and Olivia Bean were playing family both times they went outside. The large stackable blocks were also popular with the kids trying to build big structures.

Also, in the Oak room today the children were introduced to weaving boards. Olivia Lawless and Daniel were among the first children to notice the new addition to the shelves and to try out the boards. The children learned the weaving motion of over, under, over and practiced doing so throughout the day. The children also tried using different sized ribbons with the weaving materials as well.
Olivia Lawless trying out the weaving board
Have a great evening!
Stacey Jackson

Teaching Strategy - Physical: Demonstrates fine-motor strength and coordination

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