Thursday, February 5, 2015

Spreading Water, Sunshine & Love!

The Nature Group spent Thursday afternoon watering the plants and flowers throughout the EHS building. This small group of children have been studying nature. Recently they have planted some seeds, taking time to watering them, and now enjoying the steps of growth. When discussing what it takes for flowers to grow the children compiled a list; water, sunlight and love! (: How spectacular! The children were very excited to see that their seeds are beginning to sprout! Alexis said, "This one is huge! I'm gonna tell my mom." After tending to our plans in the CDLL they continued to spread the love to the other plants in the EHS building!  Most of the children were very excited to visit all the plants in the EHS building and very helpful in watering them!

Science & Technology #25 Social/Emotional #3

These children are very passionate and respectful towards these plants, and were very delicate in watering them! What a wonderful day spent with the Nature Group!

Have A Great Weekend! 

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