Thursday, February 4, 2016

Working Together to Build Water Tables
Today during afternoon center time, a group of children used tools, instructions, and teamwork to put together two water tables for the classroom. In the Maple room, they opened the boxed up parts and used screwdrivers, screws, and bolts to make the base of the tables. Once the base was completed, the children placed the plastic containers for the water on top of it. They then worked together to get them out of the Maple room and across to the other side of the school!
"This looks quite good."-Helena

"Looks like a baby crib."-Hailee

"You're going to get water damage!"-Andre

"This is part A."-Mohammad

"It's like a grandpa!"-Johnathan

Teaching Strategies Gold
Objective 3: Participates cooperatively and constructively in group situations

Britney Randall

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